
Uninstall Bit Defender Total Security 2010

To uninstall Bit Defender Total Security 2010, normally we can uninstall it from Add/Remove Program or with the packaged uninstaller. But please note that anti-virus programs always combine well with the operating system. In some cases, there must be some remnants of the installation information remaining, which will result in incompatibility with another anti-virus program installation. So it is deeply recommended to uninstall it with a third party. Perfect Uninstaller will be a better choice for you for it provides very easy ways to uninstall Bit Defender Total Security 2010.

Before the uninstallation, please note that this program always has two directories: C:\Program Files\Bit Defender and C:\Program Files\Common Files\Bit Defender. So it is necessary to Force Uninstall twice to uninstall Bit Defender Total Security 2010 from the computer.

 Since it is impossible to close this program in normal mode, so you have to boot the computer into safe mode to quit it and other running programs. Then you can follow the steps below to begin the removal.

 Step one: Navigate to the directory C:\Program Files\Bit Defender, right click the folder “Bit Defender” and select “Force Uninstall” to begin the removal. Perfect Uninstaller will launch instantly as follows, press “Next” to go.

Steps two: Click Next to start the removal when Perfect Uninstaller has found all associated entries.
Steps three: Follow the on-screen prompts to finish the uninstallation.
Then you can repeat the steps above to uninstall the directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Bit Defender from the computer.
First, Navigate to the directory C:\Program Files\Common Files\Bit Defender, right click the folder“ Bit Defender” and select “Force Uninstall” to begin the removal.

Perfect Uninstaller will launch instantly as follows, press “Next” to go.
Then, Click Next to start the removal when Perfect Uninstaller has found all associated entries and follow the prompts to finish the removal.
With the uninstallation processes above, you can easily and thoroughly uninstall Bit Defender Total Security 2010 from your computer.

