
Are you finding the way to Remove Adobe Indesign Completely in Windows XP?

Find the free way to uninstall Adobe Indesign? It will be available if you can follow its removal tips in this article. You might be tired to remove Adobe Indesign by using “Add or Remove Programs” in Control Panel due to it is not successful. There are still related files in the computer. You can’t delete them completely. In order to avoid this annoying program, you need to find out the hidden related files and then remove them completely. The uninstall instructions to fully remove Adobe Indesign will be introduced as following.
In Windows XP, 97% of users would like to uninstall Adobe Indesign for free by using “Add or Remove Programs” in Control Panel. However, that can not fully get rid of the program. First of all, you might click “Start” menu, and then go to the All Programs option to locate the Adobe Indesign. Unfortunately, there is no uninstallation option there. You should go the Control Panel by click Start Menu again and to find the Control Panel. Next, you need to click “Add or Remove Programs”, and then highlight the application in the programs list. Next, click “Change or Remove” button. And then, you will see the popup screen. Follow the processes to delete Adobe Indesign from the list. And now, the job has not been done yet. You have to fully delete the related hidden files and extensions. Otherwise, your computer will be definitely corrupted. Thus, you should learn more removal guides below.
Click Start Menu on the left corner > Click “Run” option > Type “Regedit” in the dialog box > Click “YES” to open Registry Editor > Click the folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER and HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Search and locate all Adobe Indesign registry files > Right-click them and Select “Delete” option > Click “Delete” to remove the registry entries. At last but not least, restart your computer. You will have completely uninstalled Adobe Indesign.

Although it is the free uninstall guides above, the last processes are complicated for most of the users. If you make mistakes during you are editing registry, your Windows will be broken. According to this case, the uninstall tool like Perfect Uninstaller is your best choice. It is powerful and easy to fully Adobe Indesign from your computer because it will automatically locate and delete the hidden related files of the program. With Perfect Uninstaller, you don’t need to worry about the program removal problems.

