
How to completely uninstall QQ Live?

     Have you ever thought the QQ Live as a trouble in your computer?Have you ever known that there will be some leftover rubbish in your computer when you register something ?Do you do want to uninstall it completely?Are you sure that you can uninstall it completely in conventional way?Are you upset when you really want to delete it but can't do it as you like it.
   What is perfect uninstall ?
  Just as the name implies, perfect uninstall is a software that you can fully uninstall a software that you don’t like hiding in your computer. And delete some leftover rubbish form your computer.
  How to normally get rid of QQ Live?
  Considering that QQ Live combines so well with the operating system, it is not recommended to manually uninstall it from Add/ Remove Programs as this will leave down some associated items either in your system drive or in Windows registry even though you are a computer expert. To completely uninstall QQ Live, it is recommended that you can run a professional program uninstaller such as Perfect Uninstaller. In this way, you can quickly get the QQ Live uninstall job finished within steps as you can see below.
1. After installing Perfect Uninstaller on your computer, close all other running processes or directly
2. Run Perfect Uninstaller and locate & highlight QQ Live in the display name list.
3. Press “Uninstall” and then follow the prompts to finish the uninstallation.
How to fully delete QQ Live in steps?
f you insist on uninstall QQ Live uninstall manually, you can try the below steps. But it is really not recommended to inexperienced computer users to secure the proper running of the computer.
1. Boot your computer into safe mode to quit all running processes.
2. Then go to Start, and then Settings, Control Panel; double click on “Add/Remove Programs”.
3. Locate & highlight QQ Live and then click on “Change or Remove”.
4. Follow the online wizard to finish the uninstall processes.
5. Search your hard disk to make sure that all these QQ Live files have been removed:
%UserProfile%\ App Data\Local\<random>.exe
%AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\QQ Live . ink
%User Profile%\Local Settings\Application Data\<random>.exe
%User Profile%\Start Menu\Programs\ QQ Live . ink
6. Open Registry Editor and remove these related registry entries:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce “<random characters>

